Monday, June 13, 2011

Comics, Shirts, and Special Olympics

It's been awhile and I have neglected to share a LOT of news that has happened over the past month, so get ready for a blitz of stuff you never even knew you cared about!

The Cutting Room
First up on the list is a bit of older news, but some that I'm very proud of. I was recently asked to be a guest artist on the very funny webcomic, The Cutting Room where I had a chance to draw E and C sharing some hysterical heroic apathy. The Cutting Room is a very funny series that showcases some great artists. I had so much fun doing it that I'm currently working on yet another strip for them for July, so keep an eye out for the news.

Threadless Muppet T-Shirt Design Challenge
A few good friends notified me about the Threadless Muppet T-Shirt Design Challenge and encouraged me to enter. Voting ends on June 27, and there are so many clever and great designs that others have posted that I'm excited for a new Muppet shirt no matter who wins! Of course, I sure wouldn't mind if I got a few more fives, so head on over and vote today and support all the great designers.

2011 Summer Special Olympics
My sister Morgan trains at Ace Gymnastics, and has been competing in the Special Olympics for quite some time now. This year, my wife Niki and I got to go with the family to Trenton for the 2011 summer games, and man, what an amazing time we all had! To see the sportsmanship, dedication, and effort all these remarkable athletes gave was inspiring. My dad asked if I might help show all our support by designing a t-shirt for the weekend, and so I made a fun design featuring the faces of our four athletes representing Ace Gymnastics, including my sister, Morgan! This was an event that I took hundreds of memories home with, and will cherish forever. The Special Olympics and the hoards of volunteers that run it are a highly tuned, well oiled machine, so check your local area and support Special Olympics.

That's all for now, but don't forget to become a fan on Facebook for exclusive artwork, check out my Etsy shop for some great gift ideas, and as always, please stop on by for a good ol' time!

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